Welcome to Louisville 4H Trap!


Male/Female students, grades 6 thru 12, from Louisville and other areas are invited to Louisville 4H Trap Club. 

Louisville 4H Trap practices at the Ashland Gun Club, Ashland, NE.  

Youth are taught safety, leadership, sportsmanship, responsibility, and the sport of trapshooting.

ALL students and other multi-sport student athletes are welcome to participate!

 The Louisville 4H Trap season is February through April.  

From February to mid-March, we practice a minimum of once per week before meets begin.

Shooters can select Monday, Wednesday, or both days to practice, whichever is most convenient.

After our meets begin, we practice a minimum of once per week through April on Monday/Wednesdays.

We compete in 8 meets beginning in March and finishing in late April. 

ECTC season events are located in Palmyra, Ashland, and Lincoln, and Doniphan.

Our season concludes with a fun shoot and team awards in early summer or early fall.

We will compete in All ECTC Central Conference events and the Cornhusker State Trap shoot in Doniphan, NE.

The Louisville 4H coaching staff is 4H certified. Our 2022 Coaching Staff is as follows:

Trevor Scholting (Head Coach)

Zach Heilig (High School Coach)

Emma Hiatt (Middle School Coach)

Sara Muntz (4H Leader)

A new shooter clinic is held each September to introduce new shooters to the sport.

The new shooter clinic wraps up with a cookout and a fun shoot with the entire team.

New member meetings to be held in Nov, Dec and Jan to learn about or club.

The Louisville 4H Trap Team board meets on the Third Sunday of every other month Beginning in January.

Please ask about year-round opportunities to enjoy the sport of trapshooting, with ATA registered targets and summer WASPB League.  This is available for parents and youth.  We encourage family participation.